On human health affects a large number of circumstances. Bad habits, bad environment, the use of different drugs, unstable psycho-emotional environment, it is only a little of what affects the health of men. But there are factors that affect the that it is very difficult, for example, the change of environment that is dysfunctional in the region as clean. And there are circumstances that change under the force of a man. The discourse on nutrition. After all, it is not a secret that there are products to increase the power, and in the same way there are products aggravating the erectile dysfunction. So how should be the power to increase potency in men?

Food for the power
Menu for male reproductive health should be varied and balanced (lean meat, fish, seafood, fruit and vegetables). Men often ask: what to eat to increase the power?
Products that increase libido in men:
- mackerel;
- the liver;
- green;
- the ricotta;
- fig;
- lemon;
- apples;
- the fat;
- radish;
- carrots;
- blackberry jam;
- mango.
With the right combination of these products in the men's diet – a strong erection guaranteed!
Some of the exciting products for men, apply to women as well. For example: strawberries, avocado, chocolate, ginger.
Recipes for men's health
Products useful for the male body in the house, you can transform it into delicious dishes. Food to strengthen the power of the male, usually, should not be high-calorie. Basically it is the food of natural origin with a high content of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and other trace minerals.
Pasta with seafood
Everyone knows that the fruits of the sea – powerful aphrodisiacs. And in combination with the pasta of durum wheat semolina, they provide not only a fantastic tasty dish, but also a lot of male power.
List of ingredients:
- 400g seafood (shrimp, mussels, oysters);
- 250g cream;
- 2-3 cloves of garlic;
- hard cheese;
- chives;
- onion;
- olive oil.
- Boil the pasta, add the olive oil, interfere.
- Wash and cut the fish.
- Fry in a pan before the garlic and onions.
- Then add the cocktail of sea, and cook for 3-5 minutes.
- Pour the green onion, moisture to evaporate, add the cream and the spices, bring to a boil.
- Put in seafood pasta, mix and heat.
- Sprinkle with cheese.
Scrambled eggs with onions
What is seemingly a simple dish, it has a remarkable ability to improve erectile function. No matter how you prepare this dish. The main thing for him was chicken or quail eggs and green or onions.
Chocolate milk shake
Hot chocolate without additives, has always been considered a drink increases your libido. For the prevention of urological diseases, and to strengthen the erection, to men it is recommended that you melt every day, a slice of dark chocolate.
For the preparation of the cocktail will need:
- 50 g of chocolate (75%);
- 0,5 cups of milk;
- 70 ml of natural coffee;
- 1 teaspoon of sugar;
- 3 piece cardamom;
- nutmeg.
- Warm up the milk.
- Add the sugar and the chopped chocolate.
- Banana grind in a blender.
- Make a mixture of coffee, banana, and chocolate milk.
- Adjust the amount of cardamom and nutmeg.
- Whisk the eggs until obtain a homogeneous mass.
- Pour into a glass.
Drink cocktail recommended prior to the sexual act. Because all of its ingredients are produced to increase the power. It is proven that chocolate helps the excitement and get stronger orgasm.
Products to improve erectile function
Products for lifting forces and of men there are in each kitchen. They are all natural, contain no preservatives and dyes, do not contain large amounts of cholesterol and of well affect the digestion. This is all the bee products, beans, cabbage, fresh tomatoes. But not all foods that increase the potency in men, act instantly. These products are:
- cicurina (camel stomach);
- oysters;
- berries (raspberries, blueberries);
- pumpkin seeds;
- mare's milk;
- the turnip greens.
By the way, the use of turnip is well-known since ancient times. And the turnip in a stew and its seeds are a means, which rapidly improves the erection.
Products reduce the power
What better is there for the power fixed. Now, let's consider the products – deterioration of the sexual function:
- Beer. One of the most fearsome enemies of men's health. Often the consumption of beer is likely to man an increase of female hormones – estrogen.
- Sugar. If the man exceeds the daily requirement of consumption of sweets (and 6 teaspoons of sugar), you can address the problem of reducing the power.
- Semi-finished products. Even a child knows about the dangers of instant noodles or dumplings, which only need to warm up. This type of food is harmful to the health of men in general, and his power in particular.
- The trans fats. Cheap oil is solid, that very negatively on the health of men. Are in mayonnaise, chips, popcorn, industrial bakeries.
How does vegetarianism on the power

Vegetarianism is the refusal of the food of meat of animal origin. People for whom a vegetarian diet – a rule of life – a lot. Often they argue that the refusal of meat has a positive influence on their health and sex life. But if this is actually?
Vegetarian improvements to the power in men – truth or fiction? In fact, from the point of view of the doctor – shortage of animal fats adversely affect the production of testosterone. And this hormone, as it is known, is responsible for the proper functioning of the male reproductive system. Also, in the flesh are unique, essential amino acids.
In reality, the controversy on the subject of the vegetarian diet does not subside. Supporters and opponents argue their position pretty confident. We do not have to occupy to take sides, let the choice (which is useful for the power)will remain for each. The east vegetarianism – is not the worst thing that can carry the modern man.